Fourth Anniversary of Lama Tharchin Rinpoche’s Parinirvana

Monday, August 7, 2017, full moon day of the Tibetan sixth lunar month, is the fourth anniversary of Lama Tharchin Rinpoche’s dechö, or passing into parinirvana. Rinpoche taught us that the essential practice following the passing of our lineage lamas is to merge our mind with the guru’s wisdom mind. The most powerful way to accomplish this, he said, is through the practice of guru yoga. In honor of Lama Tharchin Rinpoche’s parinirvana, we are offering his 2009 teachings on Guru Yoga given at Open Secret bookstore in San Rafael, California, on SoundCloud. Please stream or download it here.

Lama Tharchin Rinpoche said: “The point of guru yoga is to train in merging our mind with our lama’s wisdom mind and to have those qualities of wisdom and compassion that we glimpse within our lama’s mind inhabit our own mind.” In these Open Secret teachings, Rinpoche guides us in using guru yoga meditation on Guru Rinpoche to awaken the uncontrived, uncontaminated, primordial state of enlightenment that is our own natural, indwelling, primordial state of being.

The anniversary of Rinpoche’s parinirvana presents a profound opportunity to practice and connect with our lama’s continuous wisdom mind. We hope you will be able to join Lama Sonam Rinpoche, Vajrayana Foundation lamas, and sangha at Pema Ösel Ling for three days of Vajrasattva (Dorsem Lama Chöpa) practice and teachings from Saturday, August 5 through Monday, August 7: 

You can also join Lama Dechen Yeshe Wangmo and Jnanasukha for an online guru yoga and memorial on Monday at 6 pm Pacific:

Photo by Myron Berney, Jnanasukha Retreat, Honolulu 2011

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