Guru Yoga 2002 mp4 & mp3

© 2002, 2007 Lama Tharchin Rinpoche

Format: mp4 video & mp3 audio downloads (links will be sent automatically upon checkout); Also available on DVD

Running Time: 90 minutes

Recorded at Rinpoche’s residence, Rio del Mar, Aptos, California, 2001

Language: Rinpoche teaches in English

Devotion to the Guru is our primary support to train our minds in meditation. Lama Tharchin Rinpoche recalls that Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche said that to immerse one’s mind in the wisdom mind of the guru is the highest form of meditation. Through the mind-stream of the Guru, Great Perfection is realized. Lama Tharchin Rinpoche gives a profoundly clear and lucid step-by-step approach to Guru Yoga, meditation, and the realization of rigpa (awareness). This video is truly a treasure. It contains the essential instructions for recognizing our own true nature through the simple practice of Guru Yoga, given by a disciple whose entire being has been permeated by his faith and devotion and his own lama's blessings. Meditating in the state of inseparability with the lama's wisdom mind transforms our ordinary confused mind, ripening it into our original ground of undefiled, undeluded wisdom.

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